Lavendeljade (Jadeit - Metagranitoid), Türkei

»Lavender-Jade« (Jadeite - Metagranitoide), Turkey

Foto: K. Sieber,

The world-famous deposit for this lilac-colored rock is located near Harmancik, about 90 km south of Bursa in Turkey. The deposit covers an approx. 400m thick jadeite-bearing metamorphous rock embedded between mica schists and marbles. It was formed about 80 million years ago from an originally granitic rock (granitoid) by high-pressure metamorphism. The resulting metagranitoid rock consists of quartz, chlororitoid, lawsonite, glaucophane and phengite as well as up to 50% jadeite.

Jadeite occurs in this rock not only in the violet color of »Lavender Jade«. To a small extent you can find it there also in grey, white and green. The violet color variety developed during the metamorphosis process by the circulation of manganese-containing aqueous solutions.


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